Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I also want to mention that I've been having a GREAT couple of weeks so far.

Just went on a run today.

Including Monday and last Thursday, this could become a routine!! (Every other though, it's bad on your joints and even now, when I stretch, my left knee is SUCH A BUGGER; may need to get my knee brace back--that sounded gross--it's this elastic band that I wear around my knee for support)

If I hike every Saturday (or Sunday) w/my Dad up Mission Peak in Fremont (that's QUITE the hike--people go there to train for stuff like Half Dome, so it's legit!!), I could get back in shape and not feel TOO guilty about the way I eat.

I could also start going to the gym every other day. Or even the pool (every OTHER other day).

Gotta get my bike fixed, but oh well... (for now)

The job hunt is going pretty great. Hopefully Aji Network calls me Thursday and tells me I got the job!! (and negotiate a $13/hour wage) *crosses fingers*

Until then, wish me luck! Got a webinar in less than 30, so gotta jump in the shower and git!

Good luck to you all!!

O! And things with the family and boyfriend are awesome, too. Baby sis gonna be heading off to the East Coast for school soon (she's going to BU).

Realizing stuff about myself and personality flaws/quirks I can work on. This job stuff is a game-changer!!

Hope you are all having a fantastic week so far!! <3

Webinar HR 6/28

A BrightTALK Channel

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wow, so it's been a while...

Hrrmm well I have nothing to add, really, except same old, same old.

Stuck stressed out (but at least I have an extension on my paper due from last Tue. till next Tue.--derno how many grade points off THAT'll be) due to school but also having the most fun I've had in a while (I heart choir).

Also, biggest stressor: bleak future--lack of a career path is starting to really scare me, but I think I've become apathetic/blasé about it. Meeting with an alum this Friday, so hopefully something comes to fruition. I've got a friend (my "grandbig") who says he has some buddies at Cisco that might be able to help me.

Lol my fallback plans are as follows:
A) ask cousin to see if he can help me get an interview with Wells Fargo, even though it's no longer really relevant for me b/c I'm graduating (they would've paid for school if I was in good standing b/c I'm a biz major)
B) Starbucks. And hopefully I get a position. Those beezies never offer me one *le sigh* (this is for the health benefits)

I need to get on my own two feet and fix up my car and stop having my parents shoulder my financial burdens.

Oh yeah. I should walk my dog now.
