Thursday, December 9, 2010


So honestly today was unproductive and I kinda sucked.

I literally think I just wanna let this effing class fail. No last-ditch effort, b/c there's almost basically no point.

I failed.

Wowzah. And I worked SO HARD to bring up my GPA. Yeah yeah yeah

BLAH BLAH BLAH omg these effing beezy is caring about GRADES? Jeezus there are other probs in the world right now!!


Well fuck you.

Seriously. Ok, yeah... We all have stupid little problems floating around in our heads, but we all care about ourselves. Yup, that's the truth.

There. I said it.

We care about ourSELVES.

We're so wrapped up in our own scheiße that we don't stop and think about bigger troubles in the world. YEAH.

So now suck on that, dickheads.


My BF unloaded on me today and honestly, I think, I realize I must do this to him all the time, but at one point I was just thinking that "O Lawdy, I hope he gets over it" and realized I was bein' callous.

Ok I didn't REALLY think that, but he's such a source of inspiration to me that I forget he's human.

Also, Idk if he's caught cold or something but I am sincerely swearing, crossing-my-fingers, hoping-to-GAWD that I don't catch it.


There I said it again.

It's just that, it takes me AGES to get over a cold, and I JUST got over mine (which I also transferred to him). So if he now gets me sick, ummmm I'MA BE KINDA PISSED.

B/c although my sleep cycle's not the best, I generally take pretty good care of myself. Watch my diet (no junk food, mostly) and I take a healthy dose of Vitamin C and electrolytes EVERY DAY. O. And let's not forget I make sure to get a good dose of my daily vitamins as well.

ANYway. I'm glad I've calmed down a lot since the time I was GOING to rant (about 5 hours ago). Sometimes it helps to put yourself in the other person's shoes, b/c most of the time--and my friend told me this--75% (so that's most of the time) of arguments stem from miscommunication.

But also (and this is my own observation) it's when people are stressed and end up taking it out on you b/c they have no other outlet and maybe you said something that set them off.

Ever thought to yourself--why are you making a mountain out of a mole hill? about the other person? YEAH. This is that in action, methinks.

And none of us engage in ACTIVE LISTENING enough.

Myself included. Guilty as charged.

I've heard I "dominate" convos (i.e. WAY TOO GARRULOUS. Yeah, look that up, betches)


Gawd gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth. So we should listen twice as much as we speak.


Mmm for sure it's difficult and really it seems most of America is made of talkers than listeners, but people who have a lot to say can make pretty darn good listeners (not to toot my own horn, but I'm actually pretty good at that--when I put my mind to it).

Some people DO like to hear themselves talk, but W/E. Leave them at it. They'll figure it out one day.

And we can always improve.

Ok. Well that's my 2¢ for the day.

Luv you all.


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