Friday, December 3, 2010

TGIF. Not really. -_______-


Feelin' dumb. SO TIRED the past few days. REALLY shouldn't have taken that Tuesday off, but man I need days off!! And time for myself. I can foresee no free moment from now until the 26th--and that includes a "vacation" w/the parentals and sis (19th of Dec. - 26th) !!

RIGHT after my last final I have literally ONE day to not be able to do anything.
I don't want to be hungover on my 12-hour flight. o_____O

stupid, stupid, STUPID!
Freakin' nap last night killed my sleep cycle, but also lead to nothing being done for today, which included 2 papers + maybe 2 more (XC). I also overpaid the meter, b/c my paranoia with the meter maids will forever be at a high.

Unfortunately, thanks to the beautiful (a**hole) city of SJ, I am now REALLY short on change (i.e. gotta SAVE those quarters, not waste 'em!)

I've got paying the meters to an exact science, so Idk how I effed it up so badly today...
Probably from being tired. I STILL NEED JAVA.

The irony of it all is I haven't really REALLY touched coffee for a LONG while. Wednesday of this week is when it all went downhill (lol). I can feel it. FINALS week, here I come! Also, here comes about a pot or 2 of coffee a day till then...!

I had a caffeine addiction same time last year and vowed to give the stuff up. New Year's came around, made the resolution, and it lasted for about half a year--before Finals came.

So here I am. I don't really drink it if I can help it, but sometimes I need that extra boost, especially if I've essentially been operating on 4 hours of sleep for the past week or so. No bueno. -____-

*le sigh*

back to the grind. Ended up only completing ONE paper.

Promise I'll have those movie reviews up SOON! [at least for "Planet of the Apes", as I'm reading that for my French class and need to do a paper comparing the 1968 film to the novel]

PEACE!! <3

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