Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I also want to mention that I've been having a GREAT couple of weeks so far.

Just went on a run today.

Including Monday and last Thursday, this could become a routine!! (Every other though, it's bad on your joints and even now, when I stretch, my left knee is SUCH A BUGGER; may need to get my knee brace back--that sounded gross--it's this elastic band that I wear around my knee for support)

If I hike every Saturday (or Sunday) w/my Dad up Mission Peak in Fremont (that's QUITE the hike--people go there to train for stuff like Half Dome, so it's legit!!), I could get back in shape and not feel TOO guilty about the way I eat.

I could also start going to the gym every other day. Or even the pool (every OTHER other day).

Gotta get my bike fixed, but oh well... (for now)

The job hunt is going pretty great. Hopefully Aji Network calls me Thursday and tells me I got the job!! (and negotiate a $13/hour wage) *crosses fingers*

Until then, wish me luck! Got a webinar in less than 30, so gotta jump in the shower and git!

Good luck to you all!!

O! And things with the family and boyfriend are awesome, too. Baby sis gonna be heading off to the East Coast for school soon (she's going to BU).

Realizing stuff about myself and personality flaws/quirks I can work on. This job stuff is a game-changer!!

Hope you are all having a fantastic week so far!! <3

Webinar HR 6/28

A BrightTALK Channel

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wow, so it's been a while...

Hrrmm well I have nothing to add, really, except same old, same old.

Stuck stressed out (but at least I have an extension on my paper due from last Tue. till next Tue.--derno how many grade points off THAT'll be) due to school but also having the most fun I've had in a while (I heart choir).

Also, biggest stressor: bleak future--lack of a career path is starting to really scare me, but I think I've become apathetic/blasé about it. Meeting with an alum this Friday, so hopefully something comes to fruition. I've got a friend (my "grandbig") who says he has some buddies at Cisco that might be able to help me.

Lol my fallback plans are as follows:
A) ask cousin to see if he can help me get an interview with Wells Fargo, even though it's no longer really relevant for me b/c I'm graduating (they would've paid for school if I was in good standing b/c I'm a biz major)
B) Starbucks. And hopefully I get a position. Those beezies never offer me one *le sigh* (this is for the health benefits)

I need to get on my own two feet and fix up my car and stop having my parents shoulder my financial burdens.

Oh yeah. I should walk my dog now.



Thursday, December 9, 2010


So honestly today was unproductive and I kinda sucked.

I literally think I just wanna let this effing class fail. No last-ditch effort, b/c there's almost basically no point.

I failed.

Wowzah. And I worked SO HARD to bring up my GPA. Yeah yeah yeah

BLAH BLAH BLAH omg these effing beezy is caring about GRADES? Jeezus there are other probs in the world right now!!


Well fuck you.

Seriously. Ok, yeah... We all have stupid little problems floating around in our heads, but we all care about ourselves. Yup, that's the truth.

There. I said it.

We care about ourSELVES.

We're so wrapped up in our own scheiße that we don't stop and think about bigger troubles in the world. YEAH.

So now suck on that, dickheads.


My BF unloaded on me today and honestly, I think, I realize I must do this to him all the time, but at one point I was just thinking that "O Lawdy, I hope he gets over it" and realized I was bein' callous.

Ok I didn't REALLY think that, but he's such a source of inspiration to me that I forget he's human.

Also, Idk if he's caught cold or something but I am sincerely swearing, crossing-my-fingers, hoping-to-GAWD that I don't catch it.


There I said it again.

It's just that, it takes me AGES to get over a cold, and I JUST got over mine (which I also transferred to him). So if he now gets me sick, ummmm I'MA BE KINDA PISSED.

B/c although my sleep cycle's not the best, I generally take pretty good care of myself. Watch my diet (no junk food, mostly) and I take a healthy dose of Vitamin C and electrolytes EVERY DAY. O. And let's not forget I make sure to get a good dose of my daily vitamins as well.

ANYway. I'm glad I've calmed down a lot since the time I was GOING to rant (about 5 hours ago). Sometimes it helps to put yourself in the other person's shoes, b/c most of the time--and my friend told me this--75% (so that's most of the time) of arguments stem from miscommunication.

But also (and this is my own observation) it's when people are stressed and end up taking it out on you b/c they have no other outlet and maybe you said something that set them off.

Ever thought to yourself--why are you making a mountain out of a mole hill? about the other person? YEAH. This is that in action, methinks.

And none of us engage in ACTIVE LISTENING enough.

Myself included. Guilty as charged.

I've heard I "dominate" convos (i.e. WAY TOO GARRULOUS. Yeah, look that up, betches)


Gawd gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth. So we should listen twice as much as we speak.


Mmm for sure it's difficult and really it seems most of America is made of talkers than listeners, but people who have a lot to say can make pretty darn good listeners (not to toot my own horn, but I'm actually pretty good at that--when I put my mind to it).

Some people DO like to hear themselves talk, but W/E. Leave them at it. They'll figure it out one day.

And we can always improve.

Ok. Well that's my 2¢ for the day.

Luv you all.


Friday, December 3, 2010

TGIF. Not really. -_______-


Feelin' dumb. SO TIRED the past few days. REALLY shouldn't have taken that Tuesday off, but man I need days off!! And time for myself. I can foresee no free moment from now until the 26th--and that includes a "vacation" w/the parentals and sis (19th of Dec. - 26th) !!

RIGHT after my last final I have literally ONE day to not be able to do anything.
I don't want to be hungover on my 12-hour flight. o_____O

stupid, stupid, STUPID!
Freakin' nap last night killed my sleep cycle, but also lead to nothing being done for today, which included 2 papers + maybe 2 more (XC). I also overpaid the meter, b/c my paranoia with the meter maids will forever be at a high.

Unfortunately, thanks to the beautiful (a**hole) city of SJ, I am now REALLY short on change (i.e. gotta SAVE those quarters, not waste 'em!)

I've got paying the meters to an exact science, so Idk how I effed it up so badly today...
Probably from being tired. I STILL NEED JAVA.

The irony of it all is I haven't really REALLY touched coffee for a LONG while. Wednesday of this week is when it all went downhill (lol). I can feel it. FINALS week, here I come! Also, here comes about a pot or 2 of coffee a day till then...!

I had a caffeine addiction same time last year and vowed to give the stuff up. New Year's came around, made the resolution, and it lasted for about half a year--before Finals came.

So here I am. I don't really drink it if I can help it, but sometimes I need that extra boost, especially if I've essentially been operating on 4 hours of sleep for the past week or so. No bueno. -____-

*le sigh*

back to the grind. Ended up only completing ONE paper.

Promise I'll have those movie reviews up SOON! [at least for "Planet of the Apes", as I'm reading that for my French class and need to do a paper comparing the 1968 film to the novel]

PEACE!! <3

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

random rant - interlude

UGHS so some BEEZY decides to take my spot... Although I've been following the mantra "early bird gets the worm" for my mAGIC, sCIENCE, rELIGION class so I can be one of the first (of 2) to get the outlet to plug my laptop in.

For the 1ST time today, I have lost... And normally--one of the laptop-users brings in one of those multi-outlet plugs, so we can ALL plug our laptops in. However, today it was not to be... ]=

And today happened to be a day where I stayed a bit later on my earlier class to talk w/the Professor after... to set up an 8:15 p.m. appointment for the next day (b/c I cannot make any of his office hours).

ANYwho... ughs this week? I just wish it were over. Not to sound like a hyper-emo HS kid, but seriously WISH IT WAS OVER.

Will be missing my bf's dad's 50th celebration this Sat for an Alpha Kappa Psi Banquet being hosted by my little's class (don't ask me to explain). Decisions, decisions. Dilemmas, dilemmas. Technically I said I'd go to the dinner, but I didn't know what day it was. Apparently it's been the 4th of Dec for 3 months now.

Shame on me then.

I've been more involved w/the Banquet--more "in-the-know", more "on-the-fringe" for the bday dinner. SO.

Idk what's going on.

Anywho, this was supposed to be a mini-rant about the beezy next to me in class.

So I'm out.