Friday, November 26, 2010

November 26


Whew does it feel good to be on THIS side of Thanksgiving. Idk HOW it happened, but I've been going to bed extremely late these past couple of days--later than I am used to.

ALTHOUGH these have been a productive 2 days (well, productive personally and for my psyche, my schoolwork is another issue) i.e. I didn't get any HW done, but I had a heartfelt chat w/my father. I wouldn't say we're estranged, but throughout the years there have been points in my life where such a thought has crossed both his and my mind.

Also, for the first time, I've been proactive under my parents' roof--I think that will help in the eternal struggle to break the parent-child/mature-immature dynamic.

Going back to my parents' was eye-opening and I think for the most part, it was good spending an extended amount of time (although 2 days and 2 nights, not necessarily in that order, isn't really that much time).

ANYwho... a new thing (well, not really new) is this Wii game called Wii Sports Resort--I haven't touched a Wii for over a year. It's like it's this passing faze--and the fad is out (obviously it's not REALLY, BUT!)... But I can see how it's addicting...

There's a basketball game (3-point throwing) and another 3-on-3 scrimmage and I must say--dating my boyfriend--his interest and fanaticism for sports has started to slightly rub off on me (watching BOTH football games w/my mom + dad yesterday?? even if it WAS just ONE eye on the telly and one on what I was doing to prepare for the guests coming over for Thanksgiving Dinner)... and the only thing running through my mind was how much I wanted to share this w/him. Ridiculous-sounding, I know. Maybe when we purchase a Wii...

Also, this gave me an even BETTER sense of who my true friends are. So, thanks, holidays!

That's all I have for you now. Maybe I'll update more later, but for now, I'm done.

Wii time!! lol (o;

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