Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stuck in my head: "How Low Can You Go"
THOUGHT it was "Beamer, Benz or Bentley"
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I'll just be sharing my thoughts and whatnot (in a nicer format than the 140-word summary of twitter and facebook status updates) from day to day.

Lol my grandmother always encouraged me to keep a journal when I was young. Never really got into it. And here I am.

Probably just to keep my memories ... well, fresh, I suppose. Like when I re-read things later on, it'll be like I'm living those moments again.

Had something like that in Jr. High... Notebook-sharing w/friends; we mutually wrote, back-and-forth... we each have one notebook. Although the 2 of us are not really friends anymore, reading those notebooks... not to sound clichéd--they BRING BACK MEMORIES.

*le sigh*

Why can't life go back to simpler times?

Sometimes I wish this.

But there are SO MANY experiences I have since gone through, I really wouldn't take any of it back.

People who live lives in regret really live their lives in fear. I attended a panel once, and the representative from Google said that they AIM TO FAIL, b/c failing is inevitable--it's how you pick yourself back up and LEARN from it that counts--how you MOVE FORWARD.

When people say, "Oh, if I could do it all over again..." That's ruing your current position. You MAKE YOUR LIFE. Don't EVER forget that. Blaming it on external loci of control is just a way out, just a way to shift the blame from yourself to something uncontrollable--leaving you unaccountable for your actions, and less of an adult. It's part of growing up to take responsibility of your actions.

So for anybody who's reading this, I urge you to move forward, and live your life! Truer words really were never spoken.

Not to sound holier-than-thou, but I realized toward the beginning of college (my first year in fact) that however horribly I'd messed up in high school, when I truly thought back on it, I wouldn't change my actions. Now that's not to say I didn't wish things had turned out different, but I would NOT have done things differently. You know why? You are who you are. Your experiences make you. When you're a 15, 16, 17-year-old, you don't KNOW the world. You THINK you do, but in the end you don't. So you make those mistakes. AND THEY MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSON. THAT's how you learn. THAT's how you move forward.

That's my 2¢ for today. I really didn't aim for this to become so deep lol... light and fluff is more how I like to go, but next time.

Tomorrow will bring a lighter, fluffier day... Happy Turkey Day! *Gobble Gobble*

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